Future Sonic Mod (Include Super / Dark Version)
Super Sonic Activation Mod is made by SuperSonic16ġ) If you haven't download our Sonic Generations mods, remember to download them! ) Sonic can finally use his Super Form freely! It is very useful now, isn't it? :) Sonic Forces (PC) Mod Part 13_ Super Sonic Activation Mod (1080p60fps) Welcome back to the Sonic Forces (PC) Mod Series! Sonic Forces Super Sonic Button Activation Mod YSuperSonic Mod by SuperSonic16Ī mod that lets you decide when to activate and deactivate Super Sonic by pressing YĪ Retexture of Sonic for his Dark Blue Shade + A modified Jumpball by Raphpower SG/SU-Modding you can download this awesome mod here: ► Sonic Forces Freecam by SuperSonic16 & CodenameGamma:
It also allows you to deactive Super Sonic at any given time. Sonic Forces ✪ Super Sonic Activation Mod Super Sonic Activation is a Sonic Forces mod which allows the player to choose when to activate Super Sonic with the press of a button, rather than an automatic transformation.